To be eligible to take the IBE Diplomate examination, a candidate must:

  • Submit an application fee of $1200.00 (written and practical)
  • Fulfill the requirements for full membership of his/her chapter of ICAK
  • Have a minimum of 3500 undergraduate professional educational hours or Equivalent
  • Have accumulated a total of three hundred (300) hours of instruction by two (2) certified teaching diplomates of the I.C.A.K.
  • The doctor must have three (3) years of kinesiology practice and
  • Be a general member of the ICAK (provisional) chapter in his/her geographic area for one (1) year
  • Having attended at least one ICAK (provisional) chapter meeting.
  • Have written two (2) original papers or research papers fulfilling the Diplomate paper guidelines of IBE.
  • The written and the practical diplomate examinations can be taken immediately one after the other. Both parts can be passed or failed separately. If the candidate fails in either the written or the practical part of the examination, he/she may retake that specific part(s).

When both written and practical examinations are passed, Diplomate status is granted.


Qualification of academic hours
Academic hours can be comprised of any of the following: teaching hours furnished by a school that leads towards a government-recognized therapeutic profession like: heilpraktiker, physiotherapist or similar, schools of professional health care that provide an education and diploma that is either accepted by the professional board of the candidate or for reimbursement by at least three insurance companies. The curriculum must be submitted showing details of contents and duration of the training. The full participation in that teaching must be certified and signed by that school. The proof of board or government and/or insurance recognition must be provided. No other hours can be utilized for credit. All applications must be submitted in the English language.

The 300 hours of A.K. education must include passing a basic curriculum as defined by IEC. No more than 200 hours may be accumulated by repeating the basic course. Students in professional schools may have credit for all postgraduate-level A.K. hours studied before graduation.

A maximum of 30 credit hours towards diplomate status may be received by attendance of a national or international conference of an ICAK chapter.


Written proof of 300 hours required
All applicants must have written proof of their 300 hours of training in writing from their diplomate instructors. This is to be checked by the secretary of the Board of Examiners.


Hours prior to 1977
Credit for hours taught by ICAK diplomates prior to 1977 may be given if the individual desiring this credit obtains a letter stating where and when the hours were taken from the instructor(s) who taught him.


Hours credit for assisting instructor
A member can obtain 25 hours per year for a maximum of 2 years for assisting an instructor. (These are toward the 300 hours needed by a member to become eligible to take the Diplomate Exam.


Hours as of July 1, 1991 must be from Cert. Teaching Diplomate
Hours taken after July 1, 1991 must be from a Certified Teaching Diplomate to count toward Board eligibility.


Membership in ICAK for 1 year plus 1 Chapter meeting required
To be eligible to take the Board, one must have been a member of ICAK for at least one calendar year (12 months) and have attended at least one (1) Chapter Meeting of ICAK.

The candidate at the time of application for the Diplomate exam must be a current member in the ICAK (provisional) chapter in his/her geographic area, having been a member for at least the calendar year prior to the date of application.


Chapters to certify format of papers for Diplomate eligibility
Papers submitted with the diplomate examination application must be reviewed by the publications committee of an ICAK Chapter. The Chapter publications committee or equivalent should complete and sign the IBE Paper Evaluation form to attest that the paper meets the publications requirements of that chapter and IBE requirements including conforming to the current Unified Requirements for Manuscripts Submitted to Biomedical Journals of the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE) see For educational purposes a concise version of this will be posted on IBE website. This evaluation form must accompany the application and paper.